Keneddy Katumwa: The Brave Lad From Africa.

Keneddy Katumwa “Katumwa” popularly known as King Katumwa, is an African by birth, born in September 2001 in a poor village at Kampala, Uganda. Katumwa moved to the United States at a very young age of 4, and despite Katumwa’s early migration away from Africa, he loves Africa and its people.

Growing up was not a bed of roses for Katumwa as he came from a poor background and not so lucky as his comfortable mates, he did not relent nor give in to people’s thoughts about him; this led to his success stories and always winning attitude.

Middle school years were not any different from Katumwa’s early age as he was most times in isolation, which was fostered by his classmates attitudes towards him. Katumwa was socially unaccepted by his peers, and this left him with no other opinion than to spend his time with himself. Katumwa will fondly say “I spent most of my Middle School days in my head”.
High school at Beechcroft High School turned out to be adventurous. Katumwa had almost no problem getting alone with his peers; his social status, positive attitudes about life and drive to always succeed made people flock around him; everyone wanted to be seen with a star, right? That was the tale of Katumwa in high school.

Katumwa's athletic ability made him distinct in high school; he started getting offers after his sophomore year season in high school to play for teams in Division 2 and Division 3; his numbers each time he stepped on the basketball court were staggering, boy! Was he good. Katumwa averaged 20.6 points per game, his peers, fans, and well-wishers were puzzled at Katumwa’s refusal to pursue a career in basketball, everyone thought he was different and he will definitely excel without stress in sport, whereas to Katumwa there was nothing special about how he played the games, he just had more heart than the average guy and gave his all on the court every time.

However, Katumwa was already focused on more important issues of life, his race (“his people”). He turned down many offers to go into sports as a career because he did not want the restrictive lifestyle of an athlete, how was he going to help his people if he spent his life on the basketball court. “A man with a good heart is worth more than a man with a good bank balance”, though sport would surely put good money into Katumwa’s bank account, he put his love and compassion for his people first.
After High school, Katumwa attended Central State University, a History Black Colleges and Universities “HBCU” in Wilberforest, Ohio.

 Katumwa’s vision and mission for his people certainly triggered his choice for an HBCU. “If I am going to go to college, it has to be an HBCU, I have to be surrounded by my people or it won’t work”, Katumwa will fondly say whenever he is asked about his choice of college to attend. He wanted a place full of his people as comfortability was a focal point for him in choosing a college. It was fun and interesting at first, but Katumwa and my brother, Nial quickly outgrew the environment and had the quest for more growth.

Oh! You did not know Katumwa had a brother? Katumwa was born into a nuclear family of 8members; he has 4 sisters and a brother. Katumwa’s father name is Allan Luyombya “Luyombya”, a strong-willed man, who loves achieving a lot for his people (wonder no more whence Katuma energy comes from), a road in Katumwa’s hometown was named Luyombya after his father due to his achievements.

Luyombya left for United States to seek greener pastures when Katumwa was still a baby. Katumwa’s Mother was his wonder woman; she nurtured Katumwa and his siblings with care, compassion and love. “My mother is the most caring person ever; she helped build my morality. Every time I needed her, she was there, which is why I am selective with my women because I have the perfect representation of how a woman is supposed to be”. Katumwa loves his family very much.

Katumwa remained true to his dream upon gaining admission into Central State University. However, he had to drop out of school as school activities were holding down his dream of being another leading voice for people like his role models Fredrick Douglass, Martin Luther King, Malcom X and Dr Umar Johnson.
To furtherly pursue his dream, Katumwa created the popular K2TV for humorous content; the channel was excellently received by many, who became fans.

During the lockdown, Katumwa realized he had a voice and people actually listened to him through K2TV, he began posting more serious and encouraging content that reenergize his fans and helps with their mental wellness, he has continued to grow his online status with the high hopes of making a significant change in the world someday.

As the lockdown began to be eased, K2TV was used to kindle the flame in his fans against racism, discrimination, and inequality. Katumwa himself took part in many Black Life Matter protests in Columbus, Ohio, which were ignited by the George Floyd incident. 
As a lover of his people, Katumwa quotes his role models often in his interactions, “there comes a time where silence is betrayal “Katumwa would always say, quoting the great Dr Martin Luther King while trying to motivate his people.

On October 3rd, 2021, Katumwa's responsibilities increased as he welcomed his first son into the world. Things have since changed for Katumwa since then, as a very responsible father, he has intensified and diversified his work for money.

Katumwa plans to own multiple properties so as to re-invest in his home community, like his father, he presently owns and runs an online business named {KAT}UMWA, where he sells designer clothing & accessories.

Written by Niscozwriter. 
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