Joe Jacobs and Mae; The Travails

Joe Jacobs wasn't doing bad as a young man, he was an average citizen. If he was in the land of the Yorubas, he would have been labelled as part of the mèkúnù. Neither wealthy, nor poor. A proper middle class citizen. 

His carpentry work was just sufficient to feed him and do a little other things, inflation as at that time was at it's barest minimum, so he could afford thinking of  marriage, after all he was sure of having Mae as his wife. 

All that was left was just traditional formalities,  and Mae would officially be his wife.

Joe was always anticipating the day Mae would be declared as Mae Joe-Jacobs. He would have her only to himself. He imagined the show of pageantry on that special day. You can imagine the thoughts of an innocent young man who is excited about marriage, really interesting imaginations. 

Marrying a chaste lady such as Mae is no small feat, she was unparalleled among her peers. She's a lady you'll describe as beautiful in and out. Joe really considered himself lucky to have had Mae say yes to him among many other suitors that sought for her hand in marriage. 
You can imagine the joy of having two virtuous humans raising a beautiful home. Just imagine! Beauty beyond words. 

One of those days, Joe was basking in the euphoria of marrying Mae, when Mae sent him a request, she wanted to see Joe, it was a surprising request? "What could be wrong?" Joe was really worried, Mae doesn't send him messages like this. So, so unusual! 

"I am pregnant, but with a strange child" Mae calmly broke the news to Joe. One could literally feel the pulse on Joe's neck, his blood pressure was fast rising beyond normal. "She's just one of those dirty girls after all, Joe quietly said to himself and walked away disappointed. The look on his face was terrifying. 🙃 He felt betrayed. 

Trouble was looming. Joe was confused. His gourd of joy had just been punctured. His dreams were failing already. The treasure in his heart has just been looted. Poor, poor Joe! 

Who on earth would believe such a story, how on earth could she have gotten pregnant without knowing a man? Impossible! Joe asked himself these questions and answered all by himself. His thoughts were going wild. 
He was gradually going berserk! The confusion was real! 

Isó inú èkú! A pathetic situation that can not be said outside. 

But, that was just one out of many confusions and disruptions that happened in the life of Joe and Mae before and after the birth of Jesus. They really suffered! But God Himself was aware, and never for once did He leave them. They were called blessed, but trouble was not far away from them. 

Ladened with confusion? Are you losing it already? Tired of life? God's promises seem to be failing over you? 
God is aware! Very much aware. I just wanted to remind you that He hasn't forgotten about you. He's aware. Run to him. 
✒ Cephas