2023! What a ride!
The beginning;
I can’t really recall how 2023 started, that’s to tell you how silent the year was for me. Not much expectations actually. I knew the year was not necessarily a new season for me. From my little walk with God, I knew a new calendar year is not necessarily a new season.
God opened a new season for me towards the end of 2022. And when I asked him about 2023, all I got was nothing but a continuation. A continuation I dreaded. God was dealing with me. But then, who am I to complain? Absolutely nobody! A mere mortal before the creator. God wasn’t done yet.
That was the beginning of 2023. A not too bright beginning, and with little expectations as regards what would happen in the New Year. I remember crying to God at the crossover vigil for grace.Grace! Grace to endure this season. To be very honest it wasn’t easy. I needed help!
2023 was the MB year. The mighty MB 1! I was serious with my books from the very beginning. We had back to back incourses. By January 3, I was in school. There were books to devour and plenty exams to write. If only I knew what was in stock for me, perhaps I would have cried to God more in that crossover vigil, 2023 was super hectic!
January took a bright shape shortly, courtesy of Uncle JD’s kind gesture on January 4.He gifted my mum on her birthday. It was heartwarming to see. It came suddenly as well, I wasn't expecting it. It was soooo big to me! That was the game changer for me. Sometimes, all you need to do to change people’s lives is an act of kindness. Please, be kind.
Gathering momentum; First Saturday of the year came and I was at the Lions' lounge for a bake feast. What a feast! Even though the very beginning of the year looked a bit rough, God had me in mind and still brought that event as comfort. God’s love was renewed in my heart again; despite my troubles I was rest assured that God still loves me. Yes, now I know better! And I need to mention this. I ate good cakes at that event, all for free.
When I got to my hostel that evening, I had to reminisce on the cost of setting up that event, I knew it was a huge sacrifice. That event would further be a loud bell in my ears throughout the year, ringing, I sacrifice, we win! a statement I heard first from uncle JD. Incidentally, the organizer for that event was uncle JD’s sister. Again, please be kind.
Back to the incourses; they were tough. It wasn’t a rosy start. To save me from that hotness, the three weeks break came for the general elections. I had to go back home and I had only one mission. To vote! Although, the other reason for going home was rest. I said to myself; Cephas, no going out!!! The only time I went out was to vote. Medicine was messing me with me and I had to fight back.
On the general elections; even though I knew the results of the poll were going to favor the ruling party, I went out to vote. My hope for Nigeria can’t be washed away like that. No way! Got to my polling unit quite early enough. Throughout the course of the election, I was the unofficial election observer in my polling unit. I need not mention the heart rendering scenes I witnessed, but here is my conclusion, politicians have been able to successfully cage the minds of many Nigerians.
Many minds are in prison. And if Nigeria must change, we must liberate the minds of Nigerians. I hate saying this, but it’s the naked truth; most Nigerians deserve bad leaders. And that brings me to the point of me insisting that our values as Nigerians are lost! We need to redefine honesty, loyalty, integrity and sincerity. Even amongst the yoruba’s , the omoluwabi culture is gone!
MC duties came calling; last year, I had shared a story on my whatsapp status and the goal was simple, I was venturing into the MCeeing industry. I wanted to make money from my sugar coated mouth. Not a bad idea after all. During Easter celebrations, a call came in, and that was it! My first ever official MCeeing was a wedding reception. Did quite a number of others in the year.
Both corporate and social were about 6! Not that bad, but, I realized something from MCeeing work, it'll take time for people to trust you as regards a skill. You've to prove you can do it. Second, please, build social capital. The importance of men can not be overemphasized!
Cast down again;
My expectations were cut short. Several goals were left hanging. Disappointed and dejected! I felt hated, and questioned myself and the people around me in my heart. I wept, shed hot tears on my bed. One of those days, I was extremely tired, life was hitting me hard, nothing seemed to be working, and I've a bad habit, I know how to hide my deep pains. Suicide was welling up inside me, I was just tired. But, that's a story for another day! God only used two men to save me that night, Ini and Feranmi. Those guys ehn! Room A39 is that room for me.
Great men don't give up. I believe I've the gene of greatness, so I don't give up. I fight back till I win. The turnaround was quite dramatic. Courtesy of Uncle JD again. He was what I needed in this year. God's specific package for me!
It was at LinkedIn Local Ogbomoso, I never wanted to go, considering my situation as at that time. But, I dragged myself. That's how uncle JD called me out, (he was one of the keynote speakers), he said few words about me, gave me the microphone to speak for few minutes, and pom! A new season opened. It was more than an act. Sometimes, all you need is a man. That day, I met many people effortlessly(especially the popular Mishe, now, a very good friend of mine) and opportunities came too. Got invites to speak at a few events.
I got s scholarship worth #50, 000 into the program, Design Your life, also by Uncle JD! The knowledge I gained there was revolutionary. My life changed! I became intentional with living.
I got accepted into the Bridge program too. That was the baba of the turnaround! Out of 1200 applications, I was one of the lucky 65 persons to be picked! I was in Lagos for the very first time for two solid weeks! God did it!
Also, I organized my first ever physical event, Heartfelt Conversations of The Undergraduates, with over 70 attendees from 4 universities.
MB exam;
Returned from Lagos to meet waiting exams, and the ultimate of them, MB! My life was literally on hold for three months. I was only reading, eating, attending classes and sleeping. Looking back, I hated such routine, but at that time, I had no choice. It was such an intense exam. The stakes were high and there was so much to read within the shortest possible time. The only confidence I had going for that exam was God. And there's one thing I'm grateful for, the ability to hear from God. That was my ticket to pass that exam. Hearing from God is priceless!
Culture shock!
After MB, everywhere became dry. I was filled with hopelessness. Returning to normal life was hard. I forgot things easily. Friends were becoming strangers.
Depression came knocking. My health went down. But then, on the outside, people did not know such were happening, I managed it well. I was so much used to that routine that living post MB became terrible. I would call it post MB trauma. Medical students go through a lot. Believe me, it's not hype!
Relationships and Recuperating;
As at the time I'm typing this, I wouldn't say, I'm totally fine now, but I'm far much better. I had to go back to abandoned relationships, I fixed several calls with people, I called, called and called. That was it for me. Slowly, I'm healing. I'm currently in a transition phase, actively preparing for the next phase, it's not been easy, put me in prayers!
Yeah! I traveled to Ibadan for Mishe's event, and really, I'm glad I did. It was a lot of sacrifices behind the scene for me, but it was worth it. Nothing is too big for a good friend. I co-hosted the event with Awopeju Temiloluwa. Met quite a number of old friends in University of IBADAN. Especially, my primary school friend, Emiade Olabode, and my covenant brother, Victor ADEBOYE. I and Victor had a solid conversation late into the cold of night. It was a solemn assembly of two brothers. Can't forget that night and location.
2023 was good! My friends are Godsent! Maybe I would dedicate a post to celebrate all of them.
Ending 2023;
Actually ending it on a very silent note, hence, my absence from social media. I need to plan my life.
So should you! Sit down with God, meditate, read the Bible and pray! You can read other books too.
2024! We come powerfully!